About Me
Nicole Ward is a certified Reiki Master and intuitive healer. As a deep perceiver and feeler, she approaches energy healing multidimensionally to support the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual journey of the embodied soul. Her training spans a variety of esoteric traditions that see human life as a precious gift, inseparable from nature, and an integral dreamer of the evolution of all life.
Online Reiki + Spiritual Coaching
Receive Reiki and alignment coaching from the comfort of your own home over Zoom. Together we will identify energy blocks and use powerful meditative techniques to clear and enhance your energy field. You will be given practical ways to introduce more coherent patterns into everyday life that break you free from limitation.
45 min - $50
60 min - $65
90 min - $90

This is a case where there are not enough words to explain the profound spiritual gifts of Nicole. I have been on a spiritual path for many years, but experiencing energy healing and spiritual coaching from her has been "next level" for me. I believed in the power of reiki and healing , but sessions with healers have always fallen short for me. Nicole's gifts are different. They go far beyond traditional reiki and she is able to tap into a world of palpable spiritual energy. Her guidance as a spiritual mentor is also just as powerful, bridging the gap between the esoteric concepts into real-life manageable steps. Her ability to articulate and explain things is one of her greatest gifts. Nicole is the most intuitive person I've had the pleasure to know. I am a regular client of hers and have seen shifts throughout the year that we've been working together. I highly recommend all of her services!
People say that everything happens for a reason. The longer you live and the more intentionally you live, the easier it is to see that. After spending time with Nicole, listening to her, feeling her energy - it’s easy to see that she has the gift of insight. The care and thoughtfulness that she brings into each sentence that she speaks, the love, kindness, and understanding that she brings while listening with her entire being - shows you that she is living in this moment. She is there with you and for you, no matter who you are, where you are, how you are, what you are. She is there in love. You are here for a reason, reading. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. Nicole has wisdom to share with you, she will be waiting when you’re ready to hear it. You are safe, you are loved, she sees you.
Nicole is one the most profound healers I’ve been to. It’s apparent in every aspect of her work, how embodied she is, both connected to the Earth and a direct channel to Source. She is understanding and empathetic to all people, fully connected to the clients she serves. She always shows up with unconditional compassion, love, and kindness. Nicole has cleared energy from body that provided relief of pain, anxiety, and an overall sense of peace. The way in which she’s able to dial into the root of the problem and provide healing to the core is truly incredible. As someone whose struggled with ADHD and symptoms of it, Nicole energetically worked with her Spirit Guides and placed a coding of “sustained focus” into my body. This has given me freedom to explore having sustained focus in a safe way ever since, and I frequently am remind that it exists within in me. Her coaching with me has shifted my awareness of my “disorder” into seeing how my brain operates is a gift. She tends to the gifts within me as if she was cultivating a garden. It is an absolute honor to receive any type of healing work from Nicole.
The healing work I received from Nicole from 2018-2020 completely changed my perception of what is possible. I have worked with many healers of many different ages, backgrounds, and traditions and Nicole has a natural gift, that she is continually expanding and refining. She is incredibly intuitive and empowers those she works with to awaken to their own divine spark. I could not recommend her highly enough.